
Free HTML and CSS Tutorials at BeepTheGeek.com

Many of my tutorials here on Blogger Buster help Blogger users learn how to customize their Blogger templates by manipulating the template code. When customizing our Blogger templates, we need to use a combination of HTML tags and CSS in addition to Blogger template tags.

While I try to make my tutorials easy to follow, I understand these are also contextually aimed at a specific task, and that many of you would like to learn more about HTML and CSS in general in order to make your own unique customizations and templates.

Over the weekend, Gagan of BeepTheGeek.com let me know about a new course he has started to help bloggers learn the basics of HTML and CSS: HTML Tutorials. This is a weekly course specifically designed for those who want to learn the basics of web design which is just as important for customizing Blogger templates as designing stand-alone web pages.

Beginning with an introduction to HTML tags, Gagan hopes this free online course will enable everyone to understand the basic concepts of HTML and how this may be applied to blog template design:

The series will include all HTML concepts and will teach you everything about HTML along with CSS tips and tricks for fast and easy designing. I’ll start from the basics so that each and every concept is clear to you. By the end of the series you will be able to edit your templates.

At the end of the course, Gagan will publish the entire series of tutorials in an eBook for easy reference. 

I hope this free course will be of interest to those of you wishing to learn more about Blogger template design. Pop over to BeepTheGeek.com to take a look at the course and let us know what you think.

Image credit: eelke dekker
The Blogger Template BookDownload your copy of The Blogger Template Book
Your complete guide to choosing, installing and optimizing Blogger templates (PDF 114 pages)


How to add Retweet Button on Blogger

Twitter is getting more and more famous and so is retweet  Most of you might be knowing of both of this.Still i will give a brief into on both :P
Twitter – Twitter is  a free social networking site that enables users to send short notices of 140 characters. :P
Retweet – This one enables to repost some interesting tweets on twitter.The retweet button can act more like a tweet counter
Adding a retweet button will show a neat count of how many times,your post has been tweeted about,and will also allow your readers to retweet it

Retweet Button Style

Code for retweet button style 
<div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_url = '';
tweetmeme_source = 'your_twitter_user_name';


Windows Live Writer – Complete Guide

Windows Live Writer is one of the most popular blog authoring tool thru which you can post on any blog platform with a new experience. It is not so easy for a blogger to design his post like an art and it is possible only because of Windows Live Writer. Some of features like template download and plug-in made Windows Live Writer so popular within bloggers and this is why most of the professional bloggers as well are using this tool for authoring.


Microsoft launched Windows Live Writer in August, 2006 which changed the way of writing for almost every blogger. It came into Beta mode and created so much hype at that time as well. Later on people started creating plug-in for that which made Live Writer even better.
Now it is out of beta and you can download Windows Live Writer 2009 to start with that.


This is what makes it popular within the community. Some of the important features of Windows Live Writer are listed below:

1. Theme Download

Windows Live Writer can download the blog’s theme to provide you WYSIWYG Authoring environment. You can edit and preview the post just like editing on the website or blog.

2. Photo and Photo Album Insertion

Insert Pictures and Photo Album available on local machine or Windows Live Gallery. Edit the pictures by providing “Watermarks”, Shadow, Rounded Corners and many more. You can even crop the picture as per your need.

3. Insert Map

Insert map of a city, location on a single click.

4. Insert Videos

Insert video from YouTube, Local Machine or any other location from web. Just need to provide URL of the Video to insert that in a post.

5. Tags For Technorati, LiveJournal, del.icio.us,BuzzNet

Insert tags for technorati and other portals to get maximum exposure over there. Click on the “Insert” tab under top menu and then select “Tags” to insert any of the tag.

6. Manage Multiple Blogs

Multiple blogs can be maintained with their own theme on Windows Live Writer. you can write a post and then select the blog or switch from another to see how the post will look at those. As you switch from one blog to another, the theme will also change accordingly.

7. Change Publish Date

Set Publish Date of a post from Windows Live Writer to post an article on your blog. You can choose a date from past or future to post article accordingly. If you will choose a future date then the post will be scheduled to post on your blog and will appear on and after that date and time only. Past date can be chosen to build a fatty achieve of a blog.

8. Auto Word Count

Click on “Tools” and then “Word Count” to know the number of typed Words, Character (Without space) or (With Space) and paragraphs. This will help you in keep track of your post content.

9. Plug-In For Lot Many Things

There are lot many plug-ins available for Windows Live Writer thru which you can enhance the look of your post. Some important plug-ins are SyntaxHighlighter, Flickr Gallery, Digg This, Tweetmeme and many more. Here is the list of most useful plugins.

10. Insert Tables And Manage Them

Tables feature is very useful for bloggers who provide data comparison or review on their blogs. They need to insert tables for providing data sheets and other stuff so there is a table option present in WLW thru which you can insert and manage tables easily.

11. Post A Draft To Blog Or On Local Machine

Edit a post as per your convenience by using Draft option available in Windows Live Writer. You can save the draft on your local machine on your blog itself. If it is saved on blog then it will appear on your dashboard as well.

12. Set Categories, Tags, Slug and Excerpt

Select categories available in your blog for a past and also select or provide tags to a post. Define slug for that which should be search engine optimized and also provide the excerpt which can be used on Home page or RSS.

How To Install WLW

Installation of Windows Live Writer will not take more than 5 minutes on your system. You just need to download the setup from Widows Live Write Zone and start installation. Once the installation will be done, you can add your blog over there.

How To Add A Blog On Windows Live Writer

To add a blog on Windows Live Writer, you will have to go to the “Blog” menu available at the top of the window and then click on “Add blog account”. Select from the list of platforms on which your blog is, for example if your blog is on Wordpress then select “Others” and so on. Next step is to provide the URL of the blog’s main page or latest post. If your theme is different for index page and post page and you want the style of post page to appear on Writer then provide the latest post’s URL or If you want the Writer to download theme of Home page of your blog then provide the Home Page URL. Now provide the administrator Username and Password thru which you want the Writer to publish the post. It will start detecting categories, theme and other details of your blog.
wlw_platform wlw_url_admin Once that is complete, Provide a name to the blog and click on OK. You are done with the blog addition on Writer. If you want to add another blog then go ahead and repeat the same procedure.
Switch to different blogs from the “Blog” menu or you can manage blog accounts from the “Tools” menu.
Note: To publish a post on Wordpress by using external software like Windows Live Writer, you will have to enable XML-RPC option from Dashboard / Setting / Writing window.

Installation Of Plug-In

Plug-Ins always come with .msi extension which are executable. To install a plug-in, you will have to download that from Writer Plug-in zone and then execute that on your system. Your newly installed plug-in will appear on top menu under “Insert” tab or your can also see the plug-in in sidebar.
Some of the plug-ins are developed by “Microsoft” team but some of them are individually developed plug-ins. If you are going for Microsoft developed plug-ins then there is no issue but if you have chosen some unauthorised plug-ins then the installation of them will be at your own risk. Always go for some review about the plug-in and then only try them. You can see the Microsoft logo on plug-ins developed by Microsoft team.

General Problems With Windows Live Writer

1. Not detecting or downloading theme template
Sometimes you will face the problem that Windows Live Writer is not downloading the theme but showing the default theme of own only. In that case, look at the home page php and find out whether any restriction is there in showing the posts from “Uncategorized” category. If you are trying with Home page URL then change it to a permalink of latest post and try to download the theme for that. It might work.
This issue is explained on our older post in detailed way. Kindly go thru that as well. 
2. Not able to publish posts
Check whether you have enabled XML-RPC option in Wordpress Admin Panel. You can also cross check whether a php file xmlrpc.php is available in your root directory.
3. Unable to add a blog
Cross check the URL provided at the time of adding the blog and also cross check the Username and Password.
4. Plug-in not appearing on Windows Live Writer
If it is a .msi file then restart the Windows Live Writer after the installation. Once you will restart the Writer, You can see the plug-in under “Insert” tab of top menu or under Sidebar.
5. Posts moved from Drafts section
Once the post get published from the Writer it will move from the drafts section and will appear under “Recently Posted” section just below the Drafts. If you want to save the draft copy of the post again then click on the “Save Draft” button at the top. 
6. How to take backup of the posts published from Windows Live Writer?
Yes, you can take backup of the posts published and drafted on Windows Live Writer. Here is the detailed description about the same.

How To Reset Your Gmail Password

Whatever may be the case like you forgot your Gmail password or some issue with your password, you have a need to get your password reset.
Follow the below steps to get your password reset:-
1. Go to Google Password assistance page
2. Enter your username in the Email box in the form and press submit button
3. Enter the Captcha correctly and press the Submit button
4. You would get the below message from Google.

What this message means is:

Password Reset Link on Email

Google has sent you password reset link on your secondary email ID that you have specified while creating your account or on the password recovery options page. Open the inbox of that email ID and click the password reset link sent by Google. Once you click the link you would get the below form:-
When you press Reset Password button, if your new password is a valid password, you would get the Password reset successful screen as follows:-

Password Rest Code on Mobile

If you have entered the mobile number in password recovery options, you would also get the password reset code on the mobile. Go to the click here link provided in the message from Google. You would get the below form:-
After entering the correct recovery code and pressing Submit, you would get the similar form as in case of recovery link provided in email (shown below)
And once you press Reset Password, your password is changes successfully and you would get the password change successful page.

Security Question in picture

Security question would come on the Password Reset form above, only after 24 hours your account is idle with no activity. Google says

We use the security question for account recovery only after an account has been idle for 24 hours. We do this to prevent someone else from taking over your account.
In case you have any issues in this section, please put them in comments. I would like to dig more on this topic.
If you still don’t remember anything like your secondary email ID or you have not enabled recovery code on mobile or do not remember the security question’s answer or in any case not able to get in to your account, you can fill this form that Google has provided. Be sure to enter almost all the data correct. Hope you get back your account in control, as the issue has grown a bit serious from your side.

Short list website untuk koleksi data

Disini terdapat source, saya kira gratis, list website ini kemungkinan bermanfaat untuk sekedar memberi  informasi tentang seseorang, online, email dsb.. budding SE guys... coba aja deh..
Pipl - http://www.pipl.com/
Untuk mengetahui nama, username, alamat email, kota, nomor telepon, dsb. Tentunya semua menggunakan mesin search engine yang lebih detil sesuai apa yang diharapkan.

Whitepages - http://www.whitepages.com/
Untuk mengetahui tempat tinggal seseorang secara detail, dapat menggunakan nama, alamat atau nomor telepon.

Zaba - http://www.zabasearch.com/
Tidak jauh beda dengan Whitepages.

411 - http://www.411.com/
Site ini hampir sama juga.

Foo - http://www.foo.com/
Sekedar alternatif selain diatas.

Google Maps... - http://maps.google.com | http://earth.google.com/
Anda mungkin sudah mengetahui tentang ini, untuk mencari lokasi secara nyata seperti nama jalan dan alamat.

KnowEm - http://knowem.com/
Untuk mengechek username yang telah mendaftar di beberapa situs internet.
Saya kira sangat bermanfaat untuk satu ini.

Facebook Friendfinder - http://www.facebook.com/find-friends/index.php
Tidak mengecewakan, Site ini sangatlah bermanfaat.

Tineye - http://www.tineye.com/
Site ini upload dan link photo untuk mencari target di internet.

Whois Engines
Jika target anda sebuah website, anda dapat memakai mesin Whois untuk mencari alamat seseorang.

IP Tracing
Untuk mendapat real life lokasi sesuai alamat IP.